Sunday, August 15, 2010

Train town Quilt

I had some striped fabric that I used for the train tracks. The trees I just cut out of scrap fabric along with the castle. The train and smoke were pieced together with odd and end peaces of scraps.

You will notice that the demensions are all off. The train is bigger than the castle.

You can see I outlined the quilt with Thomas The Train fabric and also used a light blue Thomas the Train fabric for the backing.

The light house and church were my favorite parts to make. The picture doesn't show the light flashing out from the light house or the sun reflecting off of the steeple of the church. The church is the center building with the blue front and gray roof. The pastor is standing on the tracks at the back of the church. Notice the pastor is bigger than the church.

The wind mill is all by itself. I should have had a field of corn with it.

My grandson loves this quilt. He has taken it to school for show and tell.

The face on the pastor was difficult to do. My mother-in-law had taught me haw to do candle wicking years ago and I use some of it to do the eyes, nose and mouth.

The waterwheel didn't turn out well. I pictured it in my head but it didn't work.

The train may be a little off but a four year old little boy still understands what it is.

The cave made of rock should be larger than the train.

The grass and shrub around the house did not turn out as well as I would have liked but the yellow for windows with light's on looks good.

This is a picture of the final quilt.

For my Grandson.

Blue, Yellow, and Maroon Double Wedding Ring Quilt

The blue and maroon colors I picked to be close to the U.S. Marine Corp colors. Both my son and his lovely bride are marines so since they met in the marines I felt it fitting to make the quilt in the Cor colors.

I have noticed that once a marine always a marine must be true. Every marine I have known still holds the pride and comittment to the cor even years after they retire or serve their time and get out.

I have always been told to stay with cotton when making a quilt and definetly not to mix fabric types. Well I broke the rule. I used a satin for the blue on the front and the maroon on the backing. The yellow that I used for the rings was cotton. I admit I did have problems with puckering but that I believe is due to my inexperience in using satin fabric.

The small yellow arc pieces have a range of prints. There are baby bottle's, snake dimond's, stripes, bumble bees, fruit and vegetables.

My daughter-in-law must like the quilt because she took it to the hospital with her when my grandson was born. She sent me some lovely pictures of her holding her new baby while they were both covered with the quilt.

The quilt is nine years old and still looks good. It may not last for years like the cotton quilts but the mixture of satin and cotton seems to be holding up so far.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wedding Ring Doubled

Bow Tie Quilt

King Butterfly Quilt

This quilt was for my little girl when she went to college.

The lizard material was from my little girls blouse.

The top wings or this butterfly were from a dress, my Grandmother gave me.

The top of this was scraps from a shirt I made.

Top of both these are from a shirt of my little girl.

The red bottom wings were made form my son and daughters high school graduation gown's.

The top wings of this made a pretty dress for myself.

I made a shirt out of the material of the top wings.

The top fabric was a dress while the bottom was a robe.

I don't remember where the top material came from but the bottom was another robe of mine.

The top of this was one of my daughters dresses.

The top of this was also one of her dresses.

The top fabric here was left over from making curtains for my den.

The bottom fabric was from my college graduation.

Fabric from my sons tie makes up the body and top wings of the butterfly.

The top of these were a dress I had.
You can barely see the gray print but this was left over material from a dress I made myself.

I made a dress for my sister out of the blue calico fabric.

Looking at the bed you can see I also made a couple pillow cases.