Saturday, September 29, 2012

cell-phone dry out

tractor for children

I found this fun shop in St. Andrews, Florida.  The tractor must have some good history.  The child that first had this must have had day's of fun on it.

Walk at Oaks By The Bay

A wonderful day for a walk.

I took some time to look at the sign.

Here is some new information.

This is a wonderful park.

I like the flowers 

The wood work is fine but I could have done with out it.

My grandson likes this part best.

Out of the park now we walk to the marina.

Hope you enjoyed my walk.  Wish you could have joined me.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Give me a good politician

I am so tired of politicians talking bad about each other.  It seems to me that they are just talking about  others to avoid the truth about their own mistakes.  Give me a politician that will announce what he believes, admits to what he has done in the past and tells what he would like to do in the future.  Put it out there and stop wasting our time with talking about each other.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chicken in Coconut Sauce

Chicken in Coconut Sauce
By: Diane

2 Tbsps vegetable Oil
3 boneless Chicken Brest, thinly sliced
2 tsps ginger
2 tsps chopped finely garlic
1 small white onion finely chopped
2 tbsp self rising flour
1/2 tsp Chinese 5 spice powder
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
8 oz Cream of Coconut
1 1/2 cup chicken broth
1 tsp black pepper
2 Jalapeno Peppers chopped finely
1 red  bell pepper
1 green bell  pepper
2 sweep banana peppers
2 shredded carrots (optional)

Brown whole grain rice on the side

1 In large skillet heat oil over medium high heat.  Cook chicken until done then remove and place on plate.
2. Add ginger, onion and Chinese 5 spice powder and cook 1 minute
3. Add flower and cook 1 minute
4 Whisk in red wine vinegar, coconut cream, and chicken broth, bring to a boil, whisking all the time.
5 Add black pepper and jalapenos and simmer for 10 minutes
6. Add bell peppers, and bananas peppers then cover and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes
7. Place the chicken back into the mixture add garlic and cook  for 2 minutes
8 On serving dish place chicken then thicken sauce in pan.  Pour thickened sauce over chicken.
9. Serve with brown whole grain rice

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Migraine's are offal

Yesterday I got a migraine at about 1:45PM.  I came straight home from work and took my sumatriptan and phenadoxz but it didn't help.  I waited an hour and took it again and went to bed.  I woke up today and still had a headache but not a full migraine.  The headache today was more like a hangover.  I am fine now except for being a little dizzy and my stomach is not back to normal.  I have had these headaches since 1990 and I am tired of them.  With all the medical inventions I wish they could come up with something to cure this. Migraines are offal. I feel hopeless and tired of migraines.