Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Disturbed by man

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Spice Coffee and Cinnamon Roll's

Today I will be going to the doctor so I took the day off work.  I stayed in bed until seven and when I decided I could not stand to be that lazy I got up and prepared a holiday breakfast for one.  Instead of my daily mild wake up roast coffee I pulled out the Pumpkin Spice coffee that a friend gave me a few days ago. Then I baked the cinnamon rolls I purchased just for today.  Mmmmm sometimes it is good to have all your daily calories in one meal. 
Now I am ready to dress and go out for an early walk.  The doctor isn't until twelve thirty.  I have most of the day ahead of me.
I inserted a video of one of my walking friends.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Vote going out

I voted with my Christian convictions.  God use my vote for your will.