Sunday, January 29, 2012

St. Andrews State Park, Panama City, Florida

My children and I have always loved the beach and State Parks.  It is wonderful living near the park.  There is something about the water and nature that makes me feel the power of God.  I know God is everywhere and I enjoy worshiping him in Church on Sunday's but talking to him while in nature is special.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blue Springs, Florida

Blue Springs

Blue Springs was all and more than I had expected.  My son and daughter-in-law took me to see the manatee.  My grandson enjoyed the playground most of all but we did get him to at least look at the manatee.  I was suffering from having the flue and pneumonia shot so I didn’t get a lot of photos.  It only cost six dollars to get into the park and there was so much to do and see that we decided to make another trip during the summer.  I would recommend this park to anyone young or old.

Morning through my eyes

I like to decorate with roses.

As you can see I like roses.  Over the years I have received gifts with rose prints or in the shape of roses.  I have enjoyed these over the years. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Homeowners Insurance Inspection

Today I had the house inspected for homeowners insurance.  I have had homeowners insurance for thirty years but my company is canceling me.  The company said that they are nolonger caring insurance on homes built before 1960 that are located so far from the beach.  I am miles away from the bay and have a solid home but they don't care.  They promised that they would not leave me without another company.  They will look for another company but they said I will pay a lot for it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sewing plan for 2012

I have an idea for a new quilt for 2012 and I will show photos as I work on it.  I have decided to add the date on quilts I sew from now on.